
The Recreational Fisheries Monitoring Review

It is exciting to be involved again in a very ‘fishy’ project. In late 2023, RI initiated a project for the Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority, working with our associate, Dr Patrick Coutin.

The purpose of this project is the review and update of the recreational sea angling strategy for Cornwall by:

  1. Developing better engagement with the shore and boat sectors, including charter boats
  2. Developing a recreational fisheries data-gathering mechanism
  3. Integrating a fishery co-management process with community consultation

The project focus is on recreational fisheries species, which have been divided into seven groups: small pelagic (mackerel), large pelagic (tuna), TCW (Bass), gadoids (cod), flatfish (plaice), other demersal fish (wrasse), and elasmobranchs (sharks). This project will explore opportunities for developing innovative data collection methods to support the assessment and management of recreational fisheries. It aims to implement community engagement in a co-management process to develop the next recreational angler strategy for Cornwall.

Cornwall Fishing Village